Our Work

Current Efforts


Thousands of abandoned and orphaned children roam the garbage laden streets of Sierra Leone, looking through trash for scrap to sell so that they can eat. Due to post war, poor nutrition, poverty, improper medical care, and disease, many are dying, and parents are choosing to abandoned their children with only self preservation as their goal. Once children loose their parents, they resort to whatever they can in order to survive.  As a result, thousands of children wind up on the streets, left to the elements and falling victim to disease, starvation, and often abuse. We believe that children need to be reared in a holistic manner, and in a family like structure, where they are taught that they are valued and have self worth. A Place Called Home dedicates all its energy to Identifying and addressing the needs of abandoned and orphaned children in Sierra Leone and supports efforts in...


* Providing Safe Shelter and A Place to Call HOME

* Access to loving and caring adults

* Providing clean water and adequate nutrition

* Educational opportunities

* Medical Care

A Place Called HOME also assists by,....


* Empowering Women

* Employment Skills

* School Fees

* Counseling Services

* Education in Nutrition, Hygiene, and Women's Health

Help Our Cause

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.

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